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Take Advantage of These Three Benefits That Floor Graphics Offer

Billboards, radio spots, and pay-per-click internet advertising.

What do all three of these popular marketing mediums have in common? They’re all highly competitive and can potentially eat up an entire year’s marketing budget in just a few weeks or less.   In this day and age, it’s getting harder to compete for the increasingly short attention span of clients and customers. This is why it pays to think outside the proverbial box when it comes time to advertise your business. Floor graphics are a sure-fire way to keep your message fresh and customers engaged.

What Are Floor Graphics?

A floor graphic is simply a vinyl sticker that has permanent or temporary adhesive stuck to the back of it. The vinyl sticker itself has a unique finishing layer that will allow it to withstand tens of thousands of people stepping over it on a daily basis. Floor graphics work great because people naturally look at the ground when they are walking. Digital Trends reports that Americans spend on average around 5 hours per day looking down at their cell phone. It’s safe to say that floor graphics have their work cut out for them. Here are a few benefits that floor graphics can bring to any business or organization that takes advantage of their low cost, high visibility, and brightly colored images and graphics:

No Need for A Wall

One of the more readily apparent advantages to floor graphics is that no walls or hanging hardware are required. When it comes to traditional signage, most of them need to be mounted to a stud inside a wall. All fine and dandy if you own the building, but if you’re under lease, the agreement may state that you’re responsible for all damages once you leave the building. Interior floor graphics from AlphaGraphics offer a wide range of benefits such as:
  •    Cost-effective when compared to traditional signage
  •    Will look amazing – even in high-traffic areas!
  •    Weather/waterproof
  •    Temporary or permanent adhesive options available
  •    Easy to adhere to almost virtually any surface

Floor Decals are Cost Effective, Durable, and Flexible

Using large format printing, floor decals can be cut to almost any size, shape, or color that you’re looking for. Full color, life-like images can be printed on them, or you can go old school and have them printed up in black and white. They will adhere to almost any surface such as wood, concrete, flooring, tile, carpets and more! This will allow you to use them as marketing tools in virtually any environment. They can also be built with a laminated, slip-resistant coating which makes them a risk-free option for any event or business. Finally, floor decals are cost-effective enough to be used as temporary signage or permanent signage. With permanent or temporary adhesives, the only maintenance they will require is a gentle wet rag wipe at the end of a high-traffic day.

Floor Decals Are Unique

AlphaGraphics Floor DecalsFloor decals make a huge impact wherever they are. People can’t help but notice a brightly color graphic under their feet, even if they’re staring down at the screen of their cell phone. Traditional signage has become very easy for customers to ignore or bypass entirely. Floor graphics will not only stand out, but they will also cut through the advertising clutter and make a more significant impact than a traditional hanging sign or poster ever could. Considering how most businesses use floor graphics sparingly, most people view them as a novelty marketing tactic and create a memorable impression. Although retail shops and stores tend to be the biggest users of floor graphics, many other industries have taken advantage of this unique marketing tool:
  •    Warehouses (directional safety signage)
  •    Schools/Churches
  •    Office parties
  •    Conventions
  •    Weddings
  •    Farmer’s Markets
  •    Museum exhibits or historical places
  •    Office décor

Floor Graphic Designers in New Bern

If you’re ready to take advantage of floor graphics for your organization or business, or you’d like to learn more, give AlphaGraphics in New Bern a call. We specialize in creating stunning floor graphics that will grab everyone’s attention. If you need help with the design of your floor graphic, our expert designers can sit down with you and create the perfect graphic. To learn more about how AlphaGraphics of New Bern can produce and design your next project, you may email us, request a quote or call us at (252) 633-3199.

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