Help By Donating To The Victims Of Hurricane Harvey
Over the past couple of weeks Houston, the fourth largest city in the United States, and surrounding cities have been hit hard by Hurricane Harvey. Many parts of eastern Texas have been evacuated due to flooding.
AlphaGraphics, a
print and
marketing company in Idaho Falls, has seen the need for relief in Texas and has partnered, together with
AlphaGraphics Inc. and the Houston Food Bank to raise money to help deliver food and supplies to the people who have been affected. We ask you to join us in this great effort and donate to the Houston Food Bank. Every $1.00 provides three meals to individuals. Please the button below (the one that says, "AG ❤ TX") and donate for a great cause:
Referring to this nationwide relief campaign, the President of AlphaGraphics, Inc. Aaron Grohs said,
“We have been watching the events unfolding in Houston and the surrounding communities with the same concern that we know you all share. As a result, we are putting together a nationwide relief campaign with the Houston Food Bank.”
When hearing of this national campaign, the Marketing Director of the AlphaGraphics Idaho Falls business center Adam Bostrom said,
“I was so happy to hear AlphaGraphics was going to do something. I have been worried about the people down in Texas who are suffering and have been wanting to help but haven’t known what to do. I am happy that I can be apart of this great effort to bring peace and comfort to so many that are suffering at this time.”

AlphaGraphics, Inc. watched as this catastrophic event unfolded and became aware of the need for help as five locations in the Houston area were affected as well. After analyzing what the immediate needs were they found that people were starving and were in desperate need of food, potable water, clothes and hygiene products. They determined the best way to get these supplies to the victims was to partner with the
Houston Food Bank by providing monetary donations to pay for the shelter, food and supplies that are in need. AlphaGraphics, Inc. then sent out an email to their 250+ business centers nationwide asking to help spread the word across the United States. We hope you will join us in helping the people affected by Hurricane Harvey. They desperately need our assistance.